The Circus Show


It was on a Friday evening, I had to attend a circus show with my older sister, Laura as I had promised her. She was filled with excitement while I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. The show took place in a large circus tent held about 30 feet high. It was decorated with light blue and red strips and had a golden star held at the tip of the tent.

 There was a massive audience. Everyone was dressed up in funky colors, from hot pinks to bright yellows. Most of the audience included families and children. Many children resembled the circus performers as they wore similar unique clothing. Everyone was on his feet, unable to keep calm even before the show began as they were expecting a surprising entrance by the performers. It was deafening with the overwhelmingly loud crowd, screaming from all directions.

 Suddenly, bright lights were abruptly turned on brightening up the dim ring. The audience began to scream even louder at this point. Two enormous grey elephants came stomping their way into the center of the ring. Then two very masculine men came swinging from the opposite directions landing onto the elephant. Loud intense drumming began to play and more performers came onto the stage. Dangerous stunts involving fire and swords, amazing acrobatic performances and dances were also a part of the evening.

 The show ended rather quickly, leaving a part of me wanting to see more. It had left the audience including myself with a sensational and unforgettable experience.

Aishath Amra Mawjood

Aishath Amra Mawjood

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