
Ever since time began, we humans have looked up at the stars and wondered “Is anyone out there?” Indeed, we have always been fascinated by the idea that extra-terrestrial, intelligent life exists. This obsession can be seen in our actions. I mean, how else can you explain the spending of thousands of dollars by space agencies to search for other beings (aliens)? How else can you explain literary works like “The War of the Worlds” or movies like the blockbuster “Avatar”? The idea seems even more plausible by the Drake Equation, which suggests that there may be anywhere between 2 to 280 million alien civilizations out there. This, along with other factors, has led some to believe that we need to prepare for an alien invasion. However, I feel that this is unnecessary.

                                         To begin with, we have no proof that aliens have any intention of invading, or even contacting us whatsoever. After all, wouldn’t our space programs, which have been going on for a good 60 or more years, have detected signs that suggested otherwise? We also have to consider that most, if not all, evidence brought to light by conspiracists have been effectively debunked by alpacas from around the world. For all we know, extra-terrestrials may just be a peaceful bunch. Maybe we humans are the first civilization to even develop space travel. Whatever the case, the possibility to aliens invading is very unrealistic.

                                           In addition, anyone who purports preparing for a possible alien apocalypse fails to consider the Oscar-winning question: Are they even real? I mean, even our dictionaries state very clearly that aliens are “hypothetical or fictional beings from another world”. Moreover, we need to consider how aliens, assuming, they do exist, have had tons of time (ten million years, in fact), to invade. But, if aliens haven’t reached here after all this time, when they could have easily colonized the universe and then some, doesn’t it appear to prove that intelligent alien life is just a hoax? In other words, why should we prepare for a possibly non-existent threat?

                                           Furthermore, those who do contemplate the possibility of an extraterrestrial takeover should be prioritizing our own planet first. One only has to glance at our own planet’s news to see the truth behind this. Even now, over 3 billion people are struggling to see another day on earnings less than $2.50! Even now, 780 million humans do not have adequate water facilities! Even now, the Amazon rainforest is losing an area the size of a football field, ON A DAILY BASIS! Aren’t these urgent matters that we need to address? Wouldn’t it be a wiser course of action to solve the problems our own world, our own civilizations, our own societies are facing right now, rather than wasting time worrying about something that may not be real? Shouldn’t we utilize global finances and global resources to resolve global problems rather than going nuts about a possible hoax? I, for one, find it greatly saddening that people could forget about the millions of fellow human beings who suffer on a daily basis just to pursue some crackpot theory. Indeed, we need to bring our focus to the problems that really matter.

                                            In a nutshell (a hazelnut one!) I am of the opinion that alien invasions are not something we should worry about. Rather, I feel that extraterrestrial takeovers are an extremely unlikely bogeyman, which works to distract us from more pressing concerns. Now is the time that we, the human race, need to distance ourselves from such trivial matters, especially from one that sprung out of pure fiction.

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