The Name


By:  Aishath Ayana Ageel

“Good luck,” she said. “You’ll need it.”

Jamie went white, he didn’t anticipate that it would be this frightening. It was dark, he could barely make out his path. The lights which were fixed on the wall were so dim, it didn’t help him at all.

Slowly, Jamie made his way through the slippery marble floor till he saw a door at the end of the hallway. Jamie pressed his ear against the rough surface of the door and listened carefully. Not more than a few seconds later, he heard someone mumbling something and footsteps coming towards the door.

Suddenly, the door opened and he tumbled forward and landed on his knees. He slowly opened his eyes and saw red heels which were worn-out and brown mud still wet. Jamie stood up briskly, ignoring the throbbing pain in his knees. He was met with a woman with blonde hair going in all sorts of directions as if she got electrocuted. Despite the bruises on her pale face, Jamie caught on to her eyes. Piercing light blue, surrounded with darkness just like a racoon looking down on him. Jamie took a step back and took her in, the woman was wearing work-attire, covered in dust and brown patches and a coat folded, hanging over the woman’s arm.

“Why, hello there” she greeted Jaimie breathlessly, her eyes roaming around the hallway skeptical as to why a little boy is standing in front of her.

Before Jamie could take a look inside the room, the woman shut the door so hard that Jamie jumped at the loud bang which echoed through the dim hallway.

Jamie just stared at the woman wide-eyed and she stared back, not a single twitch in either of their faces. He was scared deep down, but his curiosity grew.

Why is the woman here? Why is she covered in brown? What happened to her?

 “Walk with me.” The mysterious woman pushed Jamie, not so hard that he would fall onto his face. Jamie had no choice but to walk with her, afraid of what she would do to him.

The sound of the blonde woman’s heels echoed through the hallway. “The old hag has been taken care of,” the woman told Jamie. Jamie got confused and thought about what the woman said as they walked and realization hit him. She was talking about the old man who came in here.

All of a sudden, Jamie felt a strong grip on his shoulder and he was slammed against the wall. He slid off the wall, to the wet floor, his pants starting to soak in the water. He felt a strong gush of pain through his head to his back. He opened his eyes and the hallway was spinning and he saw black spots all over.

The woman got on one knee in front of him and gently cupped his face with both her hands and their eyes met. Despite the dim lights her blue eyes stood out.

“Listen, when we walk out don’t look at the old librarian. We need to find out who walked with the book okay?” The woman told Jamie as her grip tightens.

Jamie nodded his head slowly, trying to wear off the throbbing pain in his head.

The woman and Jamie opened the green door and the bright white lights shone and Jamie instinctively put his hands over his eyes.

“Harley!” the librarian gasped.

Jamie looked up to Harley. Her jaw twitched and she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“Not now mom.” Harley gritted.

Harley put her hand around Jamie’s shoulder and rushed him out of the library, Jamie heard the librarian’s crying out for Harley to wait.

“Hi, I’m Harley.”

“I figured,” Jamie replied trying to stay brave, but really it felt as if he was about to wet his pants. “I’m Jamie.”

“I figured.” Harley replied, amused.

“I need to find that book.” Harley told Jamie in a hushed voice.


“It contains everything and everyone of which no one has ever heard of. The secrets one needs to turn the world into a better place.” Harley replied sinisterly. Jamie did notice a certain glint in her eyes as she talked about the book.

“Then go find it.” Jamie told Harley.

“Let’s go.” Harley was about to grab Jamie’s hand but Jamie refused and hid them behind his back.

“Come on Jamie. I need you, you’re the key to the puzzle. Together we can make the world into our kingdom.” Harley rushed her words she was getting impatient.

Curiosity killed the cat. Jamie thought. I’m not a cat.

Jamie reluctantly agreed and set off with the woman into the streets, on his way to become the powerful child known to man.


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